Our Story
I grew up in a small town in central Montana and moved to Billings, MT in 2007. For 5 years, I traveled all over the US for work, in which my favorite aspect was that it allowed me to try out the local venues in all of the cities I visited. I absolutely loved the great variety of local mom and pop shops, restaurants, art galleries and theaters these cities had to offer! While visiting with co-workers who resided in these cities though, I was blown away to hear they had not tried out so many of the local places that I couldn’t wait to visit.
Then I realized when I was home in Billings, I was the exact same way! It is so easy to fall into this routine where you don’t step out of your comfort zone at home and instead of branching out and trying everything your hometown has to offer, you continue to frequent the same places, eat the same thing, and return home with no new experiences. There were so many local restaurants and theaters right here in Billings that I had yet to try.
After having my daughter in 2013, my husband and I quickly found out, like most new parents, that finding reliable babysitters and scheduling in those date nights to try new places becomes even harder to do. Also, once you become parents, date nights are the first thing to get put to the back burner. It’s so easy to allow your marriage and friendships to go on auto-pilot and not make nights out connecting with the people who mean the most to you a priority.
This got me thinking, there must be so many people in my community who feel the same way. Why not start a company that makes trying that new restaurant, checking out that new play, or taking in a great game easier to do while providing great childcare, too? And so GoUnite was born in February 2017 in Billings, Montana! Please join us, and take back your nights out with friends and really experience everything your hometown has to offer while your kids get a fun night with new friends filled with interactive and enriching activities!